I write


I write.

I write because I love playing with words.

I write because it gives me something to do.

I write because I am an introvert and I can express myself more clearly in writing than speaking.

I write for my living.

I write because there is so much to share and write about.

I write because I need to.

I write because its what I love to do.

I write because it makes me happy.


For most of my life I wrote when I could.

I wrote in fits and starts.

I wrote in lunch breaks.

I wrote before everyone was up and at breakfast.

I wrote on pieces of paper and lost them.

I wrote on floppy discs and lost them.

I wrote guiltily.

I wrote apologetically.

I wrote not as much as I wanted because there were all the other important things to be taken care of first: going to work, cooking dinner, rocking the babies to sleep.


Mainly going to work.


I was sad.

I knew I had to earn a living but why did I have to do all that tedious stuff? Even when I was working overseas (my entire career), an office is an office. Politics and dumb bosses and colleagues are pretty much the same all over the world.

Mind numbing chores –even for senior managers like me—were well, numbing chores.


I just wanted to write.

But everyone knew you can’t just write.


Unless, you want to starve.

Then go ahead and write.


Well, one day I couldn’t take it anymore.

I refused to extend my contract with a respectable employer.

I knew I might starve but what the hell.

I want to write.


So I checked out of Hotel California.

I decided I was not going to work for a Boss.

I was going to write.

I had a bunch of books still in me, all bumping into each other rushing to get out first.


But how do I make ends meet?

How do I pay the bills and buy toothpaste and put petrol in the car?


I became an entrepreneur.

I decided to open my own business.

From home.

With my wife. (She also hates working in offices)


We work 15-20 hours a week running our business.

The rest of the time I write (and do chores!)

I write two columns for a newspaper.

I write my blogs (have about 5 of them)

My second novel is coming out this year.

I’m researching and planning out the structure of a non-fiction book that’s to be published in 2017.

With legitimate publishers who pay advances.


So if you’re wondering how you can get off the rat race and stop putting your writing on the back burner (yet again).

If you’d like to work from home part time and still hang out with the family. And write.


Then here’s the secret I tumbled upon.


Home business. You become your own boss.

It’s much nicer, more challenging (in a good way) and a lot more rewarding than an office job.

Depending on the business you choose you can earn incredible amounts of money too.


Here’s a link to my site.





If you really want to be a writer and you are looking for a way to make that the priority in your life, you might want to check this out.


Fill in your details and I’ll give you a call within 24 hours to see if you’re cut out for this way of living.

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